Friday, October 23, 2009

Ashur Mikael Bauer

Ashur Mikael Bauer
8lbs 6oz 22 inches

Contractions woke me up at 3am on Wednesday morning. I woke Eric up and said, if I have another one like that lets go downstairs. They kept coming about every 10 min. We went downstairs, made some breakfast and timed the contractions. Decided to wake my parents up at 4:30am. Contractions were every 6 minutes lasting about 45 seconds. We called Grandma and Grampa Bauer and Grampa came from work to take care of Eli. We went to the midwife's at 6am, checked in and we all (Eric, Grandma, Grampa Quick, Grandma Bauer and Jeannie) went for a walk to Crema for breakfast. The midwife hesitated to say I was in labor because of how good I felt. We came back from our walk and was examined at 9:30. I was 80% effaced and dilated to 4cm. Eric and I went for another walk around the block and the contractions started to get stronger. We got back to the birth center and had a few more contractions in bed, then got in the tub at around 11am. I was 9cm at 11:40am. I was a little shocked at how quickly I had progressed! The contractions were strong and painful, but much more manageable than the first time around. Against my will my body started pushing at 12pm. Which was the weirdest sensation. I pushed in the tub for a while until I got too hot. Then I got in the bed and labored there. Pushing was extremely difficult and I felt like I had been pushing for days with nothing happening. I cried a little and couldn't figure out why nobody else would help get my baby out! By the last few pushes I had my mom on one side, dad over the top of me letting me reach up and pull on his shoulder, Eric ready to catch, Linda and Jeannie at the foot of the bed cheering. When little Ashur FINALLY crowned I felt relief coming. He was pushed out into his daddy's arms at 1:34pm and immediately came to me. I heard my dad yell out "its a boy!" The midwife told me that pushing was in fact more difficult than it should have been because Ashur was Posterior (facing up and with his chin up vs. tucked down, they call that "Military") I was alittle overwhelmed at how hard it was to push him out, but alittle reassured knowing that it was difficult for good reason. So, in the end I did tear and needed stitches, but my tailbone was unaffected! Immediately after the birth I was in pain, but by a couple hours later felt great. Ashur latched on right away and has been nursing great ever since. The only pain I am feeling know is incredible neck and shoulder pain (like whiplash) from all the strain of pushing- but everywhere else feels great! I had an amazing experience with Alma Midwives, they helped me achive the natural, drug free birth experience I wanted and took amazing care of me, Eric and Ashur! The time at the birth center could be its own post because it has so much to offer! From the beautiful birth suite, to the candle lit birthday cake for Ashur and the 24 hour doula there to wait on our every need. It was awesome! I might even think about giving birth again... maybe :)


Anonymous said...

I love him! Way to go are my hero! I'm so glad to finally see some pictures of him. And the one of Eli loving on his baby brother is adorable! I'll see you soon. Get some rest girl!

Anonymous said...

tears of joy! congratulations you four! xoxoxo

Lori said...

Hooray hooray for you! I'm so proud of you and super excited for your whole family. I can't wait to see more pics of his cute little face. The Eli/ashurpillow pic was too funny!

Victoria said...

Congrats!!! glad everything went well for you and you had such a wonderful experience!!

Alyssa said...

Yay! Congrats!! He's precious, and you are AMAZING! Can't wait to meet little Ashur!!

Alan and Kiersten said...

YAY!!! that's so exciting!! he is just so precious. and i love his name! i love the picture with eli laying his head on cute is that???

Jenn said...

Hooray! sounds like a great experience over all. Daniel was posterior as well, so I know what you mean feeling like you were going a lot of work without much progress.I adore the picture of Eli cuddling with his new brother. And I LOVE the name. Congrats!

Mellybug said...

YAY! Congrats on a safe delivery and a healthy baby. Love the name and he is beautiful! You are looking great and I hope you have a speedy recovery! Love you guys.

Brittney Simpson said...

Happy Birthday Ashur!! We love you!!!