Monday, June 8, 2009

Lets keep it stress free.

I am still alive. I know most of my friends would have thought I was out of the country for awhile, but really I was just out of touch? We have been so busy lately, I feel like we haven't spent time with anyone. Eric is extremely busy and stressed right now and will continue to be until he leaves for his big month training at Fort Lewis. So sorry to all who have called and it takes me weeks to get back- Amy don't give up on me!

On a happier note, we are having our ultrasound this week!!! But don't get to excited, we won't be finding out the sex! We want to have it be a surprise, I think it will give me something to look forward to in a hard labor. And we can probably get a good bet going on here about what it will be and when it will come :)

I promise belly pics are to come soon! For now, cute little pic of Eli and his pony ride at the Rose Festival.

And Eli "helping" Eric with a big term paper. They are smiling the same!


Lori said...

Awe, that pony pic is adorable!!! I'm glad you checked in with a post on the blog, but i'm already looking forward to the next post with belly pics and news of how the ultrasound went. That was SUCH a cool day when I was pregnant with Addie, I get so excited for anyone else on their big day now.

Jenn said...

Are you already to the ultrasound point? How exciting! And kudos to you for not finding out the sex- I don't think I could handle not knowing:). My mom said she saw you at Mike's wedding and you were looking great and Eli is adorable:)

Chelsea said...

AHH!! He is getting SO big. I miss you guys!

Amy Ginther said...

Thanks for the blog shout-out/apology! :) You're funny, I haven't given up on you, and I still love you just the same! Who is that little boy!?!?!? Seriously, has it been that long since we've seen you?