Saturday, August 4, 2007

40 weeks

AHHHH!!!!!! Acually its not that bad other than the pure anticipation of it all. Everyday we say, "what should we do now?" My mom got here the 24th and since then we have tryed anything and everything to get things moving. The midwife recommended red rapberry leaf tea, evening primrose oil and medicimal sex :) we've been walking, got a deep tissue massage, bouncing on my birth ball, eating pineapple, oregano, basil, curry and hot salsa. I think Eric and my mom are having some fun with all this- they made me swallow a whole spoon full of the hottest salsa I have ever ate!! Anyways, I know he'll come when he's ready but none of these things can really hurt- other than the salsa, that did hurt!! Please, please let this be the last thing I blog until baby...


Unknown said...

you're still looking fantastic honey! hang in there just a little bit longer. love, celeste

Anonymous said...

I think the anticipation is the most exhausting thing. Celeste is right, all you can do it hang in there. You look fantastic by the way! We Love You and are looking forward to our trip.
