Thursday, January 8, 2009

you vote!

I know its a hard decision, but cast your vote for Eric's look. Winner gets.....uh.....the creepy reminder of what Eric looks like with a mustache.


Jenn said...

I like the facial expression accompanying the mustache. Kenny just did this same transformation, except he went all crazy in the in-between stages with sideburns and handlebars. Oy.

Lori said...

Hmmm, just because he grows one so well... i kinda like the beard best. Though, really, he does pull off each look rather well.

Anonymous said...

Keep it off! Clean up! Because I said so! Because I'm the Mom! oh, I guess that doesn't necessarily work anymore does it? Shoot!

Fine! I vote GQ clean shaven. Thank you for this opportunity.

Love Mom

Anonymous said...

I don’t like the Moses look. It looks a little too transient. I don’t like the Tom Green look. It’s been played-out. I don’t like the Earl look. (I suppose it would work if you were a redneck or unemployed.) I guess that leaves the Eric look. If it’s good enough for Jack Bauer it’s good enough for Eric.

Anonymous said...

The last picture is soooo cute, so I would say no facial hair. But impressive how full he can get that "stache" and beard!

Anonymous said...

lol. i LOVE the 'stache!