Friday, July 20, 2007

38 weeks

I kinda just woke up in this picture if you can't tell.

Well, some exciting news, we had our appointment with our midwife yesterday and she checked me and said I am already dialated to a 3! And I guess my cervix is totally soft- she predicted this weekend- but I think just because she said that it will probally take 2 or more weeks still! I guess we will see. On a bad note- I have been working in the yard alot and got some kind of poison ivy on my hands and right arm. It is horrible. I can't sleep at night because of it! Not because of being 9 months pregnant- but because of the stupid poison ivy! Maybe thats what distracted me to getting to 3 centimeters without noticing! So, keep checking in on us. I'll be posting as soon as I go into labor!!!


Lori said...

Yay! I adore that picture- even the just having woken up part. I'm so excited for you. Suck about the poison ivy and all, but hooray for having a baby soon! Best of luck.

jenzai said...

You look so beautiful! Just a note to let you know the PW's prayed for you and Eric and Baby (oh yah, and Karen too:-) last night. We are all anxiously awaiting his arrival. God bless you girl! Luv, Jen Proehl

Lemondrops Designs said...

I hope you go sooner rather than later! I was at 3 for three weeks with both of my kiddos! Ughh....