Saturday, January 30, 2010

Life lately

Lately life has been incredibly busy, yet incredibly boring at the same time. Its weird how this happens. The days are spent chasing a toddler, trying to potty train, nursing a baby, cleaning the house, changing diapers, and trying desperately to get my "Glorious 10 minute alone Mommy Escape" (what most people know as a shower). When Ashur was a couple weeks old, I thought how on earth do people have more than two kids, but now that thought isn't as scary as it was then. Life is slowly getting more manageable and we are establishing somewhat of a nice routine.
We are trying to work on potty training Eli, but the boy is a little stubborn, so it might be slow going. sigh. If he doesn't want to learn than he needs to get a job to buy his own diapers!
Ashur is growing and plumping up nice. He doesn't have nearly the cheeks his brother had, but they are growing at the same rate. He is about up to 14 lbs, and wearing 9 month! He smiles and laughs and squeals a lot. He is lifting his chest up off the floor when he's on his tummy really well, and will be rolling over pretty soon. He had his 3month birthday on the 21st.
My boys love each other. I hope they can grow up as close friends more than anything. Every morning Eli asks for Ashur to come in his bed. They lay there and talk and giggle. Eli wipes Ashurs drool and helps him put his binky back in his mouth. Its a joy to see.
I will be better at posting more blogs now that we have internet at our apartment. I need to catch up on Christmas and a Wedding!


Jenn said...

K, that second to last pic is adorable! What good brothers! Makes me so excited to someday have 2

Lori said...

Those are super cute pics. Eli looks so grown up! It's fun to hear how things are going :)

Shelly Cunningham said...

The two of them holding hands nearly had me in tears. Eli is such a sweet boy- you must be one good mama!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This just makes me want to cry! Every time you do this I just get FLOODS of memories. I just love that you give us little peeks of the moments we don't get to see.

Grandma Linda