Thursday, June 5, 2008

two are better than one.

Eli is growing so much and changing by the day! At the beginning of May he FINALLY perfected the crawling thing. He was getting around just fine like a inch worm, but being up off his tummy has made for less spit up! The same day or so he started fast crawling he was pulling himself up on the furniture and cruising. So I really don't think he will be crawling very long.

He still only has two teeth, but is eating a lot more solid foods. Before Eric came home Eli was still nursing 4 times a day and only eating 1 meal of solids at dinner time. I just figured why give myself more work of feeding him when nursing is so quick and wonderful. Now his schedule is nursing in the morning, lunch, nurse in the afternoon, dinner and nurse before bed. I wouldn't be surprised if he stops the middle of the day nursing soon, cause he is eating ALOT of food. Eric is having fun getting caught up on how to feed him and make homemade baby food.

And not to brag, but I think he might be the best sleeping baby ever. If I knew how we happened upon this schedule I would write a book! Seriously, I feel so bad for everyone who struggles with their sleepy babes. He goes to bed from 8pm-8am SOLID naps from 10-11:30 and then from about 2-4. Here is an except from my future book: "I always , from day one put him to sleep awake, and once he was in his own room -ran a humidifier and play a lullaby cd." You'll have to by the book to get any more pointers :)

I am so glad Eric is back. Eli has taken to him so quickly! He really will go to us equally, which is so nice!! Daddies are the best teachers cause in the week Eric has been home he has taught him to wave hi and bye, sign for "milk" and "all done" say night night (when he is sleepy or wants to nurse) Its crazy seeing him do so much in such a short time! I guess two parents are better than one!


Phoenix Fiber Arts said...

I can't believe Eli is getting so big! I bet Eric just loves getting to teach him things! My heart is just so happy for you guys. :) I am soooo glad you have your hubby back, yet I am so proud of how well you managed without him. You are one strong woman Melea! Send my best to Eric... Luv ya!

Anonymous said...

This technology and your determination is the greatest. We get to keep up with the three of you and be so far away all at once. I don't think I could be more proud of you two if I tried.
Love to All,
Grandma Linda

Lori said...

Lots of good stuff in that post. I'm so happy your little family has come together so quickly and there isn't any awkwardness, just happies.
It's crazy how big eli is... I can't believe that addie will ever be anything other than a floppy, adorable newborn. I'll have to brace myself for all the changes ahead.