Sunday, March 2, 2008

blog catch up

baby is asleep, so I thought I'd catch you all up on somethings I had been meaning to post. First off, Valentines Day. This year is it was alittle sad, Valentines isn't the biggest deal for Eric and I, but for some reason I had a really hard time seeing the men in the stores reading through all the cards or looking over the wine section. I stood there thinking, ahhhh they get to go home and love on there wives *tear* So, sad me was made very very very happy by my sweet boy when I get not 1... not 2... not 3... but 4 bouquets of flowers! He sent the first one on monday and they came daily til valentines day. They were beautiful, with sweet little messages inside. he is good. love you eric!

in other news, I got my hair cut and colored. Its not to different than I usually get, I did have her do the highlights alittle more dramatic. cause I am feeling a little dramatic maybe?

And lastly, we went to the zoo a few weeks ago with some girlfriends. Eli was cold and borrowed Maisie's hat and blanket- I am sorry eric for dressing your baby like a girl :)


Phoenix Fiber Arts said...

Eric is such a good husband! Never again can a man ever use an excuse for not buying their wife a gift on valentines day. If Eric can manage it while fighting a war in a different country.... yeah. Also I love your hair, in fact I would like to see it in person maybe this week sometime. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the valentines thing.... he obviously knows his days after all. And they are gorgeous too!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Darcy for teaching your Son how to be a good husband!
Your hair is beautiful Melea, if I forgot to mention that when you were over. I did notice though!

Grandma Linda

Anonymous said...

damn girl, your hair looks hot!