8 things I'm passionate about:
1. Raising happy, healthy, creative, caring, talented childern.
2. Jesus
3. Cloth diapering and most things GREEN.
4. My amazing husband (no particular order- I do not put cloth diapering before Eric!)
5. breastfeeding
6. Politics (this election has brought something out in me)
7. decorating my home
8. cooking as naturally as money will allow me to.
8 things I want to do before I die:
1. Travel more
2. Have visited every continent (3 down, and sadly can't remember if there are 7 or 8)
3. Retain some sort of knowledge. I rely way to much on my brilliant husband and don't learn how many continents there are- for instance.
4. Become a reader
5. Learn to run
6. Lose that last 10 lbs (yeah I have until I die, hopefully I can get to it by then.)
7. Eat totally organic. Have my own garden.
8. See my childern grown up, happy and loved.
8 things I say often:
1. boo boo, bubba, ah goo (baby talk)
2. I miss you sooo much
3. My husband is deployed
4. Yes we miss him
5. No, he wont be done with the military soon
6. He will be home in 3 months
7. wahhhhhh- thats me crying.
8. I am doing okay.
8 artists I never tire of listening to:
1. Dave Matthews, of course
2. Sarah McLachlan
3. Nickle Creek
4. Death cab
5. Fiest
6. The Decemberists
7. Frou Frou, Imogen heap
8. Fleetwood Mac (this is my strange one)
8 TV shows you love:
1. Arrested development
2. The Office
3. Scrubs
4. The Biggest Loser
5. CSI
6. who has time for any more tv?
7. sometimes I watch my parents shows with them...
8. 24 and Alias
8 things that attract me to my friends:
1. good looks
2. tight ass
3. oh wait, friends....
4. things in common
5. sense of humor
6.like to drink coffee or wine or both- but not at the same time. Thats just wierd, and we defintly couldn't be friends.
7. Good listener, and good talker- cause you don't want someone just sitting there silent.
8. like to just hang out either at home or target, maybe?????
8 Things I learned in 2007:
1. Childbirth is wonderful.
2. Eric is an amazing daddy!
3. Breastfeeding is harder than it looks.
4.Web cams and skype are a God send.
5. You can function on less sleep than you thought!
6. I need my husband.
7. My family is wonderful.
8. Babies make the world go round