Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ashur's 10 month check-up

Pictures by the wonderful Brittney Bauer

Our happy, content, social little smasher is 10 months old! He is growing a changing so fast. I cannot believe how fast the second baby time go by! I don't feel like I have taken enough pictures, he is just changing to quickly. Ashur is taking his first steps, he is up to about 6 steps at a time. He is learning to sign like a champ, he can sign more, please, milk and just today- thank you! He is talking alot more lately- I was alittle concerned about a month ago thinking Eli was talking more than him at this age...but he has caught up! He says mama, dada, hi and a version of Hello while he's on the phone. Thanks to Grandma Linda he came home with this adorable kkkk sound he makes for kitty and actually any furry animal he sees. He is working on a bark noise he says for dogs. She also taught him to point to himself every time she says "who does grandma love?" she did the same with Eli- sooo cute!!

Ashur's (9month)at 10 months check-up
21.9 lbs, 50th percentile in weight
28 3/4 Inches, 50th percentile in height

Eli is 3 years old

Wow I thought Eli turning 3 warranted a whole blog about him. He is an amazing little boy and I cannot believe three years have gone by! This is my chance to brag on my little guy. Eli is extremely smart, he has always been very advanced verbally and socially. If you have met the kid you know he is not afraid to walk up to anyone, say hello, ask them there name, and strike up a conversation. He cracks me up sometimes, he knows alot of the clerks at Fred Meyers by name! Eli loves to dress up as characters- I think his dress up box would put any little girls to shame. He does have a genre he sticks with, mainly military, construction, police, firemen, and lately garbage men. He has a love/hate relationship with garbage trucks- he runs as fast as he can to the windows to see them when they come, but cries at night going to bed asking "there's no garbage trucks coming to get me?" Daily he accessorizes with boots, belts, hats, gloves, and the latest suspenders! For months we had to tie things around his body to look like suspenders, but just the other day we found some at the mall. He was in HEAVEN! They were our most recent bribe to successfully finishes potty training. He does pretty good staying dry most days and naps, but night-time is a no go. Eli loves, loves, love the military and is such a character when it comes to his soldier attitude. He sings, loudly and proudly "The ballad of the green berets" all the time. He stands at attention and salutes anytime he hears a song that sounds "military" to him. This involved him standing and saluting at the movie theater when the Universal pictures song came on, and standing up at church and saluting when he heard the sound of a snare drum. Good lord, this kid is funny!! Eric cracks up because it is all ELI! No military push from him at all. He hasn't even really seen Eric in the Army- since he has been off active duty the last 2 years. Eli will get a kick out of real Army life in a few months.

Eli's stats 3 year check-up
34 lbs in the 70th percentile for weight
37 inches in the 50th percentile for height

Favorite quote:
Eli: singing...fighting soldiers from the sky...
Eric: nodding his head to the beat
Eli: "stop dad, this isn't a dance party!"
Eric: "oh sorry I was just nodding"
Eli: "soldiers don't nod dad!"